Tuesday, July 01, 2008

The Giving Club

A chance conversation one morning, many months ago at the bus stop, introduced me to one of my neighbors who commutes to work- a very earnest, curious and magnanimous spirit. This morning chat soon became a staple for me; my dose of enthusiasm for the day, my cup of purpose refilled. We would discuss everything from the addiction that living in the Bay Area is, to Broadway musicals, public health and epidemiology to Farmer's Markets. In one such conversation, E told me he was spending his evenings co-authoring a book! I was intrigued.
He went on to tell me all about the project. He and his friends had started a club they call the Giving Club. Its mission- to put together a book that could serve as a one-stop shop for anybody interested in donating their time or resources to charitable causes but clueless as to how to go about it or whom to approach; the causes range from care-giving at hospitals, environmental protection, education, empowerment of low-income illiterate communities, and many more such.
The idea behind it is at once a simple and noble one. There are many many issues plaguing the world today and the inequities glaring. Deep down, we all want to do something to help remove those inequities and lend a helping hand to someone in need. But which cause to support? What action to take? Is there an organization out there that could use our specific skills or talents? Is there a group out there looking for a voice to carry their message outward? Yes, many of us are indeed a little lost and caught in this web of ignorance. How nice it would be to have a neat little road-map telling us where to head to help illiterate tenants file a petition against exorbitant rents in a supposedly low-income housing tenement. How wonderful it would be to know the 5 organizations in the Bay Area working with poor children in middle school to provide after-school tutoring.
That is exactly what their club set out to do. The members represent a diversity of interests, educational and professional qualifications and affiliations to organizations. So, each member took on the responsibility of compiling a list of programs and organizations, sorted geographically and demographically, for a given area requiring our collective attention. They would meet every two weeks to brainstorm about meaningful causes that they have missed, identify outfits for financial givings that people like you and me can work with to reach out to the needy, and ways to enrich the book to be with their personal insights.
What I found most inspiring beyond the club and the tool that will result from it, was the thought behind it. Beyond engaging in service oneself, to find the means to enable others to serve. Oh! What a supreme act of generosity! What a marvelous idea and what a wonderful fraternity!
The Giving Club. Are you a member yet?

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